Blog CubCrafters Gets Renovated by Garmins Ne..

CubCrafters Gets Renovated by Garmins New ADS-B Solutions

Owners of Cub Crafters have gone forth with the decision to incorporate some new state of the art solutions for their Cub – Style tail dragger Carbon Cubs. These new states of the art solutions are ADS-B transponders that have been offered by multinational technology company Garmin. Planned to be equipped in light sport aircrafts (LSA) and experimental kit versions of the Carbon Cubs. For those that own LSA’s or experimental versions and choose “Executive Glass Touch option featuring the Garmin G3X Touch screen” also will be given the option to select either the Garmin GTX 335R or GTX 345R transponders to be incorporated into their aircraft systems. Newest technology allows for both transponders to be remotely operated through the G3X touch screen reducing its size allowing more panel space.

The new aircraft system will be ADS-B compliant, running on a 1090 MHz with a mode S Extended Squitter (ES) in addition to its WAAS/GPS functions. The standard package to be implemented into Cub aircrafts will be the GTX335 model when installing the executive glass touch mean while the GTX 345R model is still an option. 

A slight advantage that the GTX 345R model has to offer is the ADS-B performance which lets the allows the for the G3X screen to project subscription free weather and traffic. The President of Cub Crafters Randy Lervold believes that many of the Carbon Cubs purchased these aircrafts with the intention of purchasing something that will benefit them and be compatible with all these latest innovations being released. “As we approach the mandated 2020 ADS-B deadline, most Carbon Cub buyers are already choosing optional add-on instruments that satisfy the NextGen requirements, such as Garmin’s GPS 20A.” As he continues to add that,” these new Garmin transponders deliver an elegant, integrated ADS-B solution that functions seamlessly on our Executive Glass Touch panel.” 


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